I Acampa International Recognition 2021
For peace and the right to refugeI International recognition for the defence of human rights
“Acampa for peace and the right to refuge”
This is an annual recognition to entities or individuals who stand out in the defence of Human Rights, especially in Acampa’s fields of action: the defence of Human Rights, the Right to Refuge and the defence of Peace and dialogue as a formula for conflict resolution. Acampa ‘s fields of action: the defence of Human Rights, the Right to Refuge and the defence of Peace and dialogue as a formula for conflict resolution.
The aim is to highlight the need to defend Human Rights by presenting the work carried out by organisations and individuals who are a reference and an example for society as a whole. We intend to put the media spotlight on the situation of regression of Human Rights around the world and the importance of recovering and defending them with the strength and resilience of the organisations and people who receive this recognition, which will be proposed and voted by all the organisations and people who make up the Acampa International Network..
1.- What does recognition consist of?
It is an international mention presented simultaneously in all the cities where the Acampa Network is present, consisting of the delivery of a letter of recognition highlighting the work carried out by the person or entity recognised and a sculpture representative of Acampa, created by the sculptor Pilar Subías.
2.- Who can submit proposals for recognition?
- – All organisations that are part of the Acampa International Network with a letter of adhesion to the Acampa Network.
- – All members of the Acampa Network who are registered as associates.
- – All the local coordination teams of Acampa International.
3.- How to apply?
In order to propose a candidature, the following documentation must be attached:
If it is a person:
- – Digital photo of the proposed person measuring 1800 pixels on the longest side and at a resolution of 300 dpi.
(If you do not have access to the person and for the first proposal, any photo of recognisable quality can be used).
If it is an organisation:
- – Vector logo.
In both cases they must also attach:
- – Short description of the reasons for the proposal (approx. 200 characters).
- – Short biography of the person or organisation proposed (approx. 400 characters).
- – Contact details, email, telephone, website and social media of the organisation or person nominated for recognition.
- – Details of the organisation or person making the proposal.
All documentation must be provided in the form of electronic files in PDF format and no larger than 4 megabytes of information.
Nominations should be sent to the following e-mail address: acampa@redeacampa.org.
4.- Deadline for applications
The deadline for applications is 28 February each year.
5.- How many awards are presented each year?.
The following Acampa awards will be presented each year:
- – A single International Award, qwhich will be presented on a rotating basis in each country, in the city that holds the annual international meeting of more than two days, or in the city decided by the Acampa management of each country.
- – One Local Award, in each city with an Acampa, organisation that chooses to do so, regardless of the number of cities that want to present the Local Award. In the specific case of Galicia, it is permitted to extend the Recognition to organisations and individuals throughout the Galician territory.
The international management of Acampa, for strategic reasons, may decide the city in which the International Award is presented. This decision will take precedence over any other decision.
6.- How is the annual recognition selected?
Once the deadline for nominations has closed, a fifteen-day voting period will begin on 30 March 2021, in which all persons accredited as members of one of the Acampa organisations and all the organisations of the Acampa Network can participate, with one vote per organisation.
Two nominations may be submitted per organisation or individual: one for International Recognition:
- – One for International Recognition.
- – another for Local Recognition to an organisation or person from A Coruña or any other city with an Acampa organisation that decides to present the Local Recognition and announces it publicly.
voting for the International Recognition and Local Recognition will be carried out through the Acampa International website in the link that will be provided for this purpose.
All Acampa Network organisations and all people registered or associated to the Acampa Network are eligible to vote.
Sculpture by: Pilar Subías.
PilarSubías donated the work and the rights of use to Acampa for peace and the right to refuge.